









【SSH】突撃インタビュー! / Interviews with “Instagrammable” Groups

 さて、今日も楽しいASⅡが始まりました♪ おっ!「魚糞班」がインスタ映えしそう(?)な、灯油ポンプを持って歩いています。これは、インタビューのチャンスですね!

Q  今、何をしているのですか?

A  水槽の土を焼くために、水槽の中の水を吸い出しているところです。

Q なるほど。何のために焼くのですか?

A  熱することで、土の中の微生物を除去するためです。ホットプレートで焼くので、少し時間がかかりますが...

Q 焼いた後の土は、どうするのですか?

A  水槽に戻して、焼いていない土の水槽との対照実験に使います。それぞれの水槽でアマモという海草を育て、一緒に入れた魚が排泄した糞がアマモの成長を助けるかどうかを調べようと思っています。

Q  面白そうですね!がんばってください。













Q 何班の方ですか?何をしているのですか?

 A テトラポット班です。砂場の砂をとって、乾かしています。

 Q 何に使うのですか? 

 A テトラポットを積んだときのテトラポット間の面積を測ろうとしています。初めは水で測ろうとしていたのですが、3Dプリンターで作ったテトラポットは水に浮いてしまうのと、材質的に水を吸収する可能性が考えられるため、水ではなく砂で測ってみようと考えました。

 Q なるほど!うまくいくといいですね。


   Look!  A boy in group “Fish Waste” is walking with a siphon pump in his hand.  It is so “instagrammable!”  We must go interview him now!

 Q  What are you doing?

 A  I’m pumping water out of the water tank so that I can get the soil and bake it.

 Q  To bake?  What are you baking it for?

 A  To remove microorganisms from the soil by heating it. 

 Q I see.  What do you do with the soil after baking?

 A  I will put the soil back to the tank and use it for a control experiment with the tank of unburned soil. After that, I will grow eelgrass in each tank and see if the feces excreted by the fish in the tank helps the eelgrass grow.

   Q Sounds interesting! Good luck!

 Walking down the hallway after recess, I saw another “Instagrammable” group outside.  (Why not run for an interview?)

 Q What are you doing?

 A We, the “Tetrapods” group, are taking some sand from that sandbox and drying it.

 Q What do you do with it?

 A  We are trying to measure the area between tetrapods we pile up. Originally, we were planning to measure it with water, but since our tetrapods are 3D printer-made, they might be too light to stay in the bottom when water is added to the tank.  Also, there is a possibility that they absorb some water, so we decided to measure it with sand instead of water.

 Q I see. I hope you can make it!

   In the last 5 minutes, we had Q&A session practice again. Today, even-numbered groups explained what they've been studying in just two minutes, and answered the questions in the following three minutes. Through this practice, we teachers are expecting students to realize where they need more explanation, and to get some pointers on what would make their experiment method even more effective.  


【ATⅠ】アンケート&実験、準備中 / Preparing questionaaires and experiments


 本日の活動では、特に文系の研究を行っている班で、google formsを利用したアンケートを準備している班が多く見られました。アンケートをとる際は、自分たちが知りたいことがきちんと聞けるように、相手にきちんと伝わる内容にしたり、回答方法(自由記述?選択?複数回答可?)の選定など、様々な工夫が必要になってきます。また、そもそも、アンケートの対象者が天高生で良いのか、という点も議論する必要があります。研究結果に反映できるアンケートにするために、各班、担当の先生の助言を受けながら質問項目などを見直していました。

 多くの班が活発にディスカッションをしている中、4階の教室から「カン、カン」という、何とも不思議な音がこだましてきます。気になって様子を見に行ってみると、「天草陶石」班が金属のすり鉢のようなものを使って陶石を砕いているところでした。このパウダーを使って、泥パック製作を予定しているものの、陶石中に含まれるガラス成分をどう取り除くかが課題だそうです。全国シェアの8割を占めるとも言われ、地元の陶磁器にはもちろん、有田焼や瀬戸焼にも使われている天草陶石がパックに変身できたら、面白そうですね! これからが楽しみです。


   Now that students are done with the assessment “Reading and Understanding,” the next assessment "Utilizing the Wisdom of Our Predecessors" will come in a month. This is to measure how well they have been able to apply prior research to theirs. Each group must start conducting experiments or surveys soon so that they can gather data to be analyzed in the future.

 Today, many of the groups, especially those conducting non-scientific research, prepared questionnaires using google forms. When making questionnaires, it is important to make questions clear for everyone to get the answer they need. Also, it is necessary to decide which response method to use; free-text, multiple choice, or checkboxes.  It is also necessary to discuss whether it is appropriate to set the target audience as high school students or not.  Many groups are now reviewing the questions in the questionnaire with the advice of the teachers.

 While many students were actively discussing in groups, a strange sound was coming from one classroom: "clang, clang.”  Some students went there to find that the "Amakusa Ceramic Stone group" was using a metal mortar to crush ceramic stones. They said they were planning to use this powder to make mud masks, but the problem was how to remove the glass component in it. It would be fascinating if the Amakusa ceramic stone, which is said to account for 80% of the national market share, could be transformed into a pack!  Can’t wait to see their mud masks ”on sale” in the near future!

 In AT I, about 30 groups are working on their own interesting research. Keep doing your best in your research activities!









【ASⅡ】質疑応答練習、スタート! / Our first Q&A practice in class



   Today, we had our first Q&A practice in the last 5 minutes of class. Today, the odd-numbered groups spent two minutes giving an overview of their research, followed by three minutes for the Q&A session. Since each of the 12 groups has been doing various research on their own, many basic questions were asked.  They were like "Why did you decide to research this item?” or “How will you verify your hypothesis?”  The presenting groups tried their best to answer each question by showing slides and actual items.

 Of course, the students are also enthusiastic about their activities.  Today we saw many interesting activities such as experiments in the darkroom, experiments using a giant cylinder, and observations using a biological microscope.  Everyone, please make sure to keep a record of these activities for future use.