

【ASⅡ】冬の予定もぎっしり! / Lots of plans for winter!


 さて、明日から12月。外もずいぶん寒くなってきました。久々に川に入ってヘドロを採取しようとした「汽水域」班... 川の水の冷たいこと! そして、そんな時に限って目的のものがなかなか手に入りません... 川底が堅かったり、石ばかりだったり... 手を真っ赤にしながらも、あきらめずに最後の最後まで川で格闘する二人でした。

 質疑応答も頑張っています。4週目を迎え、各班2回ずつ質問または説明&応答を経験したことになります。少しずつ慣れてきたかな? 次回からは英語も使いつつこの活動を行おうと(ひそかに)計画しています。簡単なことではありませんが、きっとみんなならできるはず! 期待しています。

    At the beginning of today’s ASⅡ, Mr. Miyazaki told his students about the upcoming schedule: two external presentations are scheduled for December, the “Science Academy” (science classes for elementary and junior high school students) is scheduled for winter break.  And in January, a study tour is scheduled (where students have presentations in English). What a busy winter you all have!

 Time flies, and it’s already December tomorrow. The group "Brackish Water" went outside in the cold  to collect sludge... The water in the river was really really cold! To make matters worse, they had a very hard time getting what they wanted - the bottom of the river was hard, or there were only stones... The two were red handed, but never gave up, and struggled in the river until the very end of the classes.

 They are also doing their best in the Q&A sessions. Now in the fourth week since we started this activity, each group has had two turns asking questions or explaining and answering questions. It looks like many of them are getting used to it little by little. Hopefully we will be doing this activity using English soon. We know it will not be so easy, but we are sure everyone will be able to do it!  Keep on doing!


【AS/AT】はじめてのじっけん! / Our First Experiment

 今日はドライフルーツ班、初めての実験! 実験といっても液体を混ぜて気体を発生させる...などというものではなく、5種類のお茶を飲んでもらい、それぞれの味やおいしさについてアンケートをとるというものです。

 昨日放課後にせっせと作った「甘いお茶」5種類... 何のお茶かは知らせず飲んでもらい、アンケートを取りました。2年生の生徒約20名が昼休みの時間に被験者として協力してくれました。























  Today we had our very first experiment! We had the students drink five kinds of tea and take a survey on the taste and deliciousness of each tea.  About 20 students in the second grade cooperated with us during their lunch break.

 ”What is this?” “It tastes surprisingly good!” “Yuck!” “Can I have another sip?" It was a very lively and enjoyable experiment. Between you and us, the five teas were green tea, roasted green tea, matcha, barley tea, and oolong tea, with sugar added. Which one do you think will be the most popular? 

 We will also ask some teachers to help us as test subjects after school. We cannot wait to see the result of this interesting experiment! 







【AS/AT】オリーブ収穫祭 / Harvesting Beautiful Olives

2日続けてこんにちは! ドライフルーツ班です。

 写真を見てください! これは今日収穫したばかりのオリーブです。さて、突然ですが、ここで問題です。さて、このオリーブの入手先はどこでしょう?

  1 オリーブ園の通信販売

  2 天草の青果市場

  3 小学校の運動場

 正解は... 3! 天草高校のお隣(徒歩3分です)にある本渡南小学校の運動場にオリーブが実っているという情報をいただき、収穫におじゃましました。

 丁度お昼休みだった南小。運動場でたわわに実った黒い実を収穫していると、黄色い帽子をかぶった元気のいい女の子たちが「おねーちゃん、何してるの?」と元気よく声をかけてくれました。それからどんどん小学生が増え... 最終的には高校生2人と小学生10人ほどでわいわい言いながら楽しく収穫することになりました。巨峰みたいに大きくてとっても立派なオリーブがたくさん収穫できました!

 さて、収穫したオリーブはどうなったかというと...  元々は「オリーブのはちみつ漬け」を作るために分けていただいたのですが(うまくいけば最短2週間で渋が抜け始めるとのこと)、他にも、砂糖や塩で漬け込む方法も試してみようと思います。うまくいきますように! 





















Hello again from the “dried fruit group!”

 Please take a look at the picture! These are olives we got today, which were just harvested. Now, here is a sudden question. Where did you get these olives?

  1 Mail order from olive orchards

  2 Fruit and vegetable market in Amakusa

  3. Elementary school playgrounds

 The correct answer is... 3! We were informed that olives were growing on the playground of Hondo Minami Elementary School, located next to Amakusa High School (a 3-minute walk), so we went there to harvest them.

 It was just lunch time at Minami Elementary School. While I was picking the black olives in the playground, a group of cheerful girls in yellow hats called out to me cheerfully, "What are you doing, girl? They called out to me cheerfully, "What are you doing? Then more and more elementary school students joined us... In the end, there were two high school students and about 10 elementary school students, and we had a lot of fun harvesting the fruit. We were able to harvest a lot of olives that were big and very fine, like grape grapes!

 Now, what happened to the olives we harvested?  Originally, we were given them to share to make "olives in honey" (hopefully the astringency will start to come off in as little as 2 weeks), but we are going to try other ways to pickle them with salt and 00. I hope it will work! 

   Thank you very much to the energetic little ones who helped us harvest, and to Mr. Fukuyama, the vice principal of Minami Elementary School, who graciously allowed us to harvest. We will do our best in our research activities!

【AT/AS】手作りドライフルーツ / Homemade Dried Fruits




 まずは、ゆず...めちゃくちゃすっぱいです! 同じように乾燥させているのになぜか、ゆずだけすぐ茶色に焦げているのはなぜでしょう...。当たり前ですが、レモンもすっぱいです(予想通り)。みかんは一番パリッと綺麗にでき、見た目もかなりの自信作といえそうです! 皮ごとパリッと食べられます。意外と美味しかったのが、トマト! 今回、ドライトマトを食べたのは初めてですが、生でそのまま食べるより甘みが増していて、可能性を感じます。最後に金柑...す、すっぱい!ゆずよりはすっぱくないものの、生の金柑よりすっぱいと感じます。甘みが凝縮される果物と、そうでないものがあるのは面白いですね。 


Nice to meet you! We are a research group named “Dried Fruit.”

 We are planning to make a presentation on food loss reduction using dried fruits at the SSH Taiwan study tour in December. Although we are in different grades, we both thought of the research on food loss in AS (1st year) and AT (2nd year) class. Now we have decided to collaborate on this project - currently in the process of researching previous studies and planning experiments related to tea. We are trying to create a “new” flavored tea utilizing local fruits.

 During lunch today, we tasted samples of homemade dried fruits (& veggies). We used some Amakusa-grown mandarins, lemons, yuzu, kumquat, and tomatoes. when cooking, the sweet smell of the fruits and vegetables come out from the oven! After drying at 120°C for 60 minutes, we tasted them one by one.

 First, the yuzu... It is very sour! Somehow the yuzu is the only fruit browning quickly even though they are dried in the same way as other fruits. Lemons are also sour as expected. The mandarin oranges are the crispiest and most beautiful.  We can say that we are quite confident of their appearance - you can even enjoy their crispy peel! Surprisingly tasty were the tomatoes! This is the first time we've had dried tomatoes, but they are sweeter than fresh, and we can see their potential in cooking. Finally, kumquat... Soooo sour! It is not as sour as yuzu, but we feel it is more sour than fresh kumquat. It is interesting that some fruits have concentrated sweetness while some do not. 

 We plan to have our classmates and teachers sample our “special drink” next week. Thank you for your cooperation in advance!