

【ASⅢ】仮評価を行いました/ Tentative Evaluation Today
























   In today's AS III, Mr. Miyazaki, SSH head teacher, first explained about the “Science Inter-High @ SOJO” to be held at the end of July. Then we had a tentative evaluation of C2, in which they will be evaluated on "Consider and Draw Conclusions." At the moment, some groups can explain the verification of their hypotheses using numerical values, while some others are still struggling. Each group had discussions about the current situation and what they should accomplish by the time of their main evaluation scheduled in July.

 We have less than two months to go before the ARP Inquiry Results Presentation to be held on July 18 at the Amakusa Civic Center. The groups that made poster presentations last year will make slide presentations, and the groups that made slide presentations will make poster presentations on that day. Since the ARP presentation day is also the evaluation day for assessment item D2 (Presentation skill), students reconfirmed the rubric and reflected on their own research today. 

   We hope that their efforts, which have been made through a process of trial and error, will be conveyed to the audience on their big day!

【ATⅡ】仮評価を行いました / Tentative Evaluation Today














 A tentative evaluation of “C2”: "Consider and Draw Conclusions" was conducted in today’s ATⅡ. Each group was enthusiastically discussing with each other and their teachers about their current situation and what they need to proceed with before the main evaluation planned in June.

 In our school, we use a rubric to evaluate research projects, which consists of "tentative evaluations" conducted in a discussion format and "main evaluations" conducted in the form of individual interviews. The tentative evaluation is an opportunity for the students themselves and the teachers in charge to look at the current situation of the research objectively and consider how they need to move forward to deepen their research. If they haven’t reached their goals at this point, students need to consider and implement specific steps (experiments and investigations) in order to achieve their goals with the time given until the main evaluation.

 In today's evaluation, some of the groups seemed to realize that their research was not progressing as well as they had expected, and they had a chance to revise their plans for experiments and surveys. Verification of hypotheses is one of the key points of this evaluation, but it seems that some teams still need to consider the way they verify their hypotheses. The students will be even busier since mid-term examinations will begin tomorrow, but, to the students: please use your time wisely and do your best in your research activities too!

【ASⅡ】課題研究のポイントを確認しよう! / What to Keep in Mind in Researching


 ◆ 天草高校 課題研究ルーブリック(天草高校HP内)














   Today's AS II began with a review of this year's assessments and their key points. Referring to the rubric, students checked one by one the five assessments to be conducted this year and the points for achieving them.


 Amakusa High School Problem Study Rubric (Amakusa High School Website)



 After that, students watched two videos of research presentations and engaged in activities to consider the good points of each presentation and research, as well as the background of the issue, etc. Taking the first presentation, a research on plants, as an example, students made some comments.   

    Here are some of their comments on what they found effective in the research;

  • Even after the flowering season was over, they made models and conducted experiments.
  • The number of data was large and the explanation was persuasive, which made the results convincing.
  • The new hypothesis was made according to the results of the experiments. 

 The students were able to gain a variety of insights from the presentations. For most of the students, it was their first experience to see a presentation at the national level, and it became a good opportunity for them to see the high-level research and ingenuity in the presentation. 

 From now on, the students will continue discussions with their classmates and teachers to determine their own research themes after doing more previous research. We are looking forward to seeing what kind of research each student will conduct!