

Amakusa English Camp - Final Day






生徒たちは5日間で本当に成長しました。初めは話すことを恥ずかしがったりためらったりしている様子が見られましたが、日を追うごとに積極性が高まり、発話量も多くなっていきました。最終日のMy Life Missionでは、大勢の前で堂々と発表していました。5日間をとおしてコーチ(講師の先生)のこと、世界のこと、自分自身のことを知り、これから歩む自分の道を明確にすることができました。さらに、英語の運用能力も向上させることができ、充実した時間を過ごすことができました。

For the coaches, thank you for your kind instruction. All of you encouraged them to speak English.


We are looking forward to coming to Amakusa English Camp next year!!

Amakusa English Camp - Day 4

All the students attended the English Camp today, too.

Today's activities are here.

  • One of the Coaches Life Mission
  • Another Coaches Life Mission
  • Making One Sentence Story
  • SDGs Discuss / Preparation
  • Presentation for SDGs


In the evening, three students made presentations of their life mission because they saddly will not be able to attend the Camp tomorrow.

     As for the coaches life mission, they listened to the presentation. Especially, they've got interested in the  coaches study in their university such as social anthropology and material culture. For the students, it is a good chance in thinking about their future career. In the latter half, they researched information for SDGs they decided to make their presentation about. Then they discussed the solutions about their theme such as poverty, water resource, reuse and hunger. It is very meaningful for them to convey their opinions about SDGs based on their worldwide perspective. 

Amakusa English Camp - Day 3

Day 3 of Amakusa English Camp has started.

 Today, two special teachers presented their majors and told about their future careers or dreams.

Here are the summaries of what they said:


She majors in anthropology and education in the United States in UCSB in California.

She explained what anthropology is to the students.

She defined a word “ethnography”, which is a combination word between ethnology and geography and told the students about the attraction of the diversity of world cultures and human histories.

She also mentioned an elementary school near her university and talked about her special experiences about that school.

In addition, she also emphasized the importance of looking to the future. She has not decided her next step after her graduation, but she has a dream to be a researcher in the future and will try everything she can do.


He majors in engineering on aircrafts. 

He explained how engineering helped people, and innovate human society.

There exist so many fields of engineering.

He explained what aeronautical engineering is to the students.

He was an expert on how aircrafts are created and how we should reduce the impacts of winds against airplanes.

Surprisingly, he designed wheels of one special airplane.

Finally he talked about his life mission; he wants to provide much more comfortable travel by air by reducing the impact of air and climate change.

Students were really touched by their enthusiastic ways of talking in her presentation, and listened to her carefully.


In the afternoon, they discussed what are the goals of SDGs and what they can do for the environment.



Amakusa English Camp ー Day 2

 本日、天草English Campの2日目が行われました。今日は、「好きなものが一緒な人を誘おう!」というスピーキング活動から始まり、その後、コーチ(English Campで指導するスタッフ)の在籍している大学についてのプレゼンテーションを聞いて質問をしました。更に、アメリカやイギリス出身のコーチに日本のおすすめの場所のツアーを考えよう!という活動を行いました。

 English Campが始まったばかりの昨日はなかなか話せなかった生徒も、コーチと顔見知りになり、昨日よりリラックスできている様子です。スピーキング活動においても、自分からコーチに話しかけたり、質問にジェスチャーを交えて笑顔で答えたりと、自然なコミュニケーションができています。大学のプレゼンでは、日本の大学との違いやどんなことを学んでいるかなど、自分の将来にも関係する内容ということもあり、生徒はみんな興味津々の様子で積極的に質問をしていました。

 午後からは、Future of Japanをテーマに、これからの日本の姿についてディスカッションをして、最後にプレゼンテーションをするという活動をしました。ディスカッションで考えを共有したSNSについてや教育についての内容をうまく取り入れて、素晴らしいプレゼンを完成させていました。

 English Campに参加している生徒たちは、英語に興味をもっており、とても意欲的な生徒たちですが、英語が完璧!という生徒はひとりもいません。普段は日本語を話していて、シャイな生徒もいれば、間違ったらどうしよう、と不安な気持ちでいる生徒もいます。その中で、コーチが生徒の言ったことやアイデアを褒めたり、休み時間に話しかけたり、話題を広げる質問をしたりして、とても上手に生徒を導いてくれているので、どの生徒も間違いを恐れずチャレンジできているのだと思います。どの生徒に尋ねても、「楽しい」という声が返ってきます。どの生徒もキラキラした目をしていて、見ている私たちがうらやましくなる程です。



Amakusa English Camp First Day 2023 August 1st

Here come 5 foreign university students in Amakusa!!

The first day of the Amakusa English Camp has started.  There are 21 Amakusa High School students participating in the program. 21 students are separeted into 4 groups and each grous has 1 university student coach.  The coaches come from the UK and the US. 

Day 1 schedule is here.

  • Opening Ceremony
  • Self-Introduction
  • Stretch Break
  • Classroom Ice Breakers + Share Your Passion
  • Coach University Presentation
  • Lunch Break
  • High School Presentation + Speaking Exercise
  • Discussion about Personal History
  • Presention about Personal History



The high school students tried to speak English as much as possible.  The coaches gave them a good opportunity to talk in English and encouraged them to speak English.  One of the coaches told them not to be scared and to enjoy communicating with each other.   The students really enjoyed the program.


Some junior high school students visited the program after the open school.  Thank you.


Just before the lunch, they play a game with team members.

Good job for everyone participating in the program. Improve your English skills and enjoy communicating!!