

第2回パフォーマンステストに向けて/ Debate practice in class




Now that the term-end exams are over, second graders have been practicing debating for our performance test next week. Today, in English Expression classes, we are having our first trial debate, in which we are following the actual debating procedure and going all the way through.

William sensei’s topic today is “Living in the countryside is better than living in a big city.”  Since many students here long for urban lives, the “Disagree” side seems to be finding it rather easy to bring lots of ideas. Many insist on the convenience of transportation, more choices in shopping, and even the chance of meeting celebrities and handsome men!  

However, the “Agree” sides are not giving up!  When the “Disagree” side insists ”There are too many insects in the countryside,” the “Agree” side counters, “Children will grow stronger if surrounded by insects.” When another “Disagree” side insists “Bigger cities have much more amusement compared to countryside,” an “Agree” side says, “Too much amusement would spoil people. We can concentrate on studying in a quieter environment.”   Others are making good use of their notes to beat their opponents, while a usually-quiet student shoots a smug face at the opponents, objecting confidently. In the case of really good logical opinions, some students of the opposing side are even clapping their hands in agreement. There were lots of laughs and praises in their debate. Such heated debaters they are!

The actual performance test debate will start on Tuesday next week, and students have been preparing their introductory speeches in groups.  Whether they win or not won’t affect their grades, but everyone surely wants to win, right?  We’re sure you can do it!  Good luck!