

ディベートへの第1歩/ A journey of a thousand miles


1つめのトピックは”People spend too much time on their smartphones(人々はスマートフォンを使い過ぎている)”。生徒達は練習として、日本語でお互いの意見を出し合い、その理由を説明していました。


今回、多くのグループで論点の一つとなっていたのが、それぞれのチョコレートの量と、それぞれの生地の食感の違いです。チョコレートの量は良いとして、食感はどう表せば良いのでしょうか。Willam先生の解説では、食感はfood texture, 「きのこ」の食感はcrispy, 「たけのこ」の食感はcrumblyかな?ということでした。きのこの食感は特に難しいようです。生徒とWilliam先生のやりとりの中で、日本語の「さくっ」「かりっ」「パリッ」はどう違うのか、という話題にもなりました。生徒達は具体例を挙げながら説明していましたが、オノマトペの難しさを改めて感じた時間でした。ちなみに、Wiliam先生にとっては、天ぷらもcrispy、ポテトチップスもcrispy、唐揚げもcrispyな食感だそうですが、日本語ではそれぞれ違う風に表しますよね....  


When the term-end exams are over, 2nd grader students will have another performance test in English: “debate.”  So, in today’s Logic and Expression class, students had a mini debate for practice.

Their first topic was “People spend too much time on smartphones.”  Students shared their opinions and explained the reasons in Japanese in this practice round.

Now it’s time for English debate!  The topic William sensei prepared was “Kinoko or Takenoko.” (Kinoko stands for a popular mushroom-shaped chocolate snack, and Takenoko is another bamboo-sprout-shaped one)  How excited the students became! They exchanged their opinions in English, changed sides, and did it again, but from the opposing point of view. However, It seems very difficult for them to say totally different opinions from what they said a minute before. 

While debating over the two chocolate snacks, students were trying hard to state the differences of their texture.  William-sensei said “Kinoko” has a crispy texture while “Takenoko” is rather crumbly.  Some students were talking about the differences among Japanese onomatopoeia, “sakut,”  “karit,” or “parit,”  which all describe food textures.  They were trying to explain the differences using specific examples, but it was so hard!   Tempura, potato chips, or fried chicken all have “crispy” texture for William-sensei, but we Japanese probably use different onomatopoeia to them all.  It’s so profound….

Anyway, by the time they have the performance test, students will be learning not only stating their opinions, but also how to question and object to their opponents.   There being more than one answer, debating is interesting, yet difficult. It would be another precious learning experience for the students since they need to debate in teams.  A journey of a thousand miles has just begun.  Keep learning!