
【ATⅡ】提言書&「極意」発表会 / Presentations to the 2nd graders


 どの班もメンバーで協力し合い、持ち前のプレゼンテーションスキルで分かりやすい発表をしてくれました。下記は、いくつかの班の発表タイトル(※「 」内を考える形式)です。



























 Today is the last day of activities in the same classroom as AT I (2nd graders). We will miss them! In today's ATII, the 3rd graders gave a “mini presentation” to the 2nd graders. In addition to presenting the proposals that they prepared and submitted to Amakusa City, they also shared tips and advice to the 2nd year students that they had learned through their three years of research, under the title of “3 Essentials of Research on the Subject”.

 Each group gave wonderful and easily-understood presentations.You can see the titles of some of the groups below;

  Tips to make AT exciting!

  Tips for not getting choked up by seniors/teachers in AT!

  Tips for getting the best grade” on the AT!

  Tips to do more accurate research” on the AT!

  Tips to connect your AT to the future!

 Now you blog readers want to listen to all the presentations, right?

 After today, we will say goodbye to the 2nd-year students for a while. However, it does not mean that the connection between AT I and II will be lost. 2nd year students, if you have any problems, please come and consult with us anytime!