
 【ASⅡ】本評価&KSHに向けて… / Evaluation Interviews and Making Posters


 7時間目は冒頭で中間発表会の振り返りをしました。その後、生徒たちは今月21日にグランメッセ熊本で行われる第3回熊本スーパーハイスクール(KSH)全体発表会「県立高校 学びの祭典」に向けて発表用のポスターを編集したり、データを収集したりと、各班それぞれに久しぶりの研究活動に精を出していました。この「 学びの祭典」では色々な発表や催しが行われるのですが、一言でいうと、県立高校の生徒がステージ発表やポスター発表、学校での取り組み紹介などを行う県下最大級の発表会です。


 第3回熊本スーパーハイスクール(KSH)全体発表会「県立高校 学びの祭典」



     評価シートに記入中。真剣です!           いつも和やかな「AI信号機」班



















   さて、お目当てのものは見つかるのか…      真面目に(?)ポスター作成中の「耕作放棄地」班


 Today is the first AS II class after the SSH Interim Presentation, and AS II students had three evaluation interviews. After filling out the evaluation sheets in the classroom, the students met with their supervisors to complete their evaluations.

 The seventh period began with a review of the midterm presentation. After that, the students were busy editing posters and collecting data for “The 3rd Kumamoto Super High School Presentation to be held at Grand Messe Kumamoto on the 21st of this month. This is one of the largest presentations in the prefecture where students from prefectural high schools give stage presentations, poster presentations, and introductions of their school activities.

 For more information, please visit the prefectural website.

Prefectural High Schools: “Festival of Learning” 

 From our school, first and second year students, mainly from the AS II class and the Science club, will present their research and introduce our school, and also run a drone experience event. This “Festival of Learning” attracts many people every year, so if you have a chance, please come and visit us!