
【AS・AT】SSH特別講演会 / SSH Special Lecture





   Today, we invited Professor Hirotaka Sato of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, to deliver the SSH Special Lecture. Professor Sato is the world's first developer of "cyborg insects," a fusion of insects and computers, and has opened a laboratory at NTU, where he is applying "cyborg insects" to save lives at disaster sites.

 In his lecture, he explained in detail the background and content of his research, including the advantages of "cyborg insects" compared to some flying robots being developed elsewhere. Based on his own research experience, he told students the significance of not giving up when faced with obstacles, and of making various innovations and trial-and-error attempts.

 He also introduced us to Singapore and what NTU is like. He talked about how safe and comfortable it is to live there, and the importance the country places on disaster rescue, which he has devoted himself to. He also told us about the eagerness which NTU students have in learning.  After listening to him, we felt Singapore and the students’ lives to be more familiar. Later in his lecture, he said that the capability of English can expand our possibilities. He also told us not to worry about the "naysayers," who always complain or object to what we do. In his words, we can aim for a “niche" rather than becoming a superstar.

 Students were engaged in his unique and outstanding lecture, taking notes busily. It was an unforgettable 100 minutes for all students and us teachers, to learn and think about how to expand their own possibilities.