

新任式を行いました / Welcome to Amakusa, Jennifer!










Hello everyone, my name is Jennifer. I have moved here with my husband Don. We feel very lucky to be living here as Amakusa is a beautiful place.

We have moved here from Auckland city in New Zealand. New Zealand is a country near Australia and is smaller than Japan. It is a country that has many sheep, cows and mountains, but not many people. We also have a famous rugby team called the All Blacks.

When it is summer in Japan, it is winter in New Zealand. In New Zealand I studied science where I gained a bachelor's degree with a double major in Chemistry and Microbiology.

In my spare time I like to sew, read books, go to the beach and explore with my husband.

This is my first time in Japan and I am looking forward to exploring all it has to offer.

I look forward to telling you more about New Zealand and about myself.
Thank you




Jennifer sesei, welcome and thank you for coming to Amakusa high school!

I am very happy to see you today. 

There are many Amakusa high school students who are very cheerful and try hard studying, doing club activities,and volunteering in the local community. 

I hope you will soon like Japan and our school.

We are really looking forward to the classes with Jennifer sensei.
Let's enjoy Amakusa high school life together.


サラ先生の退任式スピーチ / Sarah and Student's speeches at her farewell ceremony

【Student's Speech - by Mr. Okabe】

Ms. Sarah

Thank you so much for always making class fun for us.  Since we became the 3rd graders, we have had fewer chances to meet you, so I have felt lonely.  When I was in the 1st and 2nd grade, I always looked forward to taking yout English classes.  

Thanks to your classes, I came to like English.  

Thanks to you, my English has improved a lot.  

It is all thanks to you!

I will continue to study so that I can speak with you in English.  I’m sad that classes with you are finished, but I’m looking forward to meeting you again.  Thank you for everything.

【Sarah's Speech】

Hello everyone,

Today will be my last closing ceremony at Amakusa High School. I will be returning to America next month.

     I came to this school in November 2021. At the time, I didn’t know very much Japanese and did not know much about Japanese culture and traditions. I also had never taught at a high school before. But, I was very excited to learn as much as possible. It has been a very challenging journey, but I am grateful for the opportunity and my experience here.



    From the beginning, Amakusa High School’s teachers welcomed me warmly and have shown me so much kindness. I was not able to communicate properly, because Japanese is very difficult. But many teachers encouraged me to keep studying or talked with me in easy Japanese, or taught me new Japanese words. A lot of teachers also waited patiently while I looked at my Japanese dictionary on my smartphone. I am very thankful for these moments. I want to continue to learn Japanese so that I can speak freely one day.

               I am especially lucky to be a part of the English department. Yuuske sensei, Hiroshi sensei, Kodama sensei, Nakamura sensei, Yamaguchi sensei, Nagata sensei, and William sensei, thank you for your support. Your students are very lucky to have you care for them so deeply. I have learned so much from watching them work and working beside them everyday. They are inspirational.

     For the students: I will really miss you. The students at Amakusa High School are very special, talented, and very very bright. I would always tell my friends how smart my students are, how hardworking, and about all the funny moments we have together. My favorite memories are: showing the scary video on Halloween,  learning how to play the tambourine, decorating Christmas cake, and all the English games we did. I will miss my ESS students, the “hellos” in the hallways, helping with Eiken, and learning new Japanese words. And, even though English is difficult, it has been a pleasure to see you all  grow your skills and confidence. After I leave, I know you will continue to do amazing things in your lives and careers.
You have taught me so much, too. Thank you for helping me to grow as a teacher. I will always root for you.
    I will never forget Amataka. Thank you to everyone who has welcomed me, supported me, and shown me kindness. I hope one day we can cross paths in the future. 




サラ先生の退任式を行いました / A farewell ceremony for our ALT Sarah






You can read both Sarah’s speech and Mr. Okabe’s speech in the next post!