

Sales Pitch Day 1! / セールストークを英語で!

Today, in English Communication Classes, students had their first day of sales pitch presentations! In all classes, approximately half of the total number of groups were set to present, leaving time in the beginning of class for any last-minute preparations. We also had a special guest, Sarah Lee, come to see which products she will decide to buy in the near future! And so, the challenge began to see who can best sell their product! 

Students did their best, engaging the audience through intriguing questions, funny demonstrations, as well as fascinating explanations. Some incorporated powerpoints, as well as music, into their pitches as well. What was most exciting was the groups’ abundance of creativity. From the “Super Everywhere Umbrella,” which allows one to create an umbrella from thin air, to the Lobster Claw (?), a versatile product that can even help you obtain a girlfriend or boyfriend, the students seemed to have fun with the creative process. One standout group had the audience roaring with laughter, the Nakamura Company Group. To demonstrate their product, they asked for a volunteer from the audience. After having that random audience member join them on stage, they used the product. That student disappeared behind the desk, and lo and behold- turned into Mr. Nakamura himself!

Tomorrow is the 2nd day of presentations, so we are looking forward to seeing what else the students have come up with, and who can win Sarah’s money! What product would you buy?

William Braxton (Amataka ALT) 

英語コミュニケーションⅡの授業では、第1回目のパフォーマンステストとして”Sales Pitch(セールストーク)”を実施しました。初日は約半分の班が発表予定で、ぎりぎりまで最後の練習に励んでいました。スペシャルゲストとして参加していただいたSarah先生も、どの商品を買うべきか悩んでいました。さて、どの班が一番優秀なセールストークができるでしょうか?!




