U-cube Room(Uto English Center)


「U-cube」は宇土中高生のために英文テキスト、英語で書かれた科学雑誌やマンガ、洋画、洋楽、英語リスニング、インターネットなど、英語環境を整備し、少人数制の授業やゼミ形式の授業、海外とのテレビ会議などさまざまな形態で活用できるようにしていきたいと考え設置されました。毎年、中高生約50名が海外研修や留学に参加するようになり、U-cubeは、まさに、英語スキルを向上させるための拠点(English Center)となっています。



   U3 (U-cube)  =

        Uto × Unlimited × Upgrade


"Community for your Unlimited and Bilingual Experiences."


"Community for Upgrade and Brush up your English."(英語をアップグレードできる、磨き上げられるためのコミュニティ空間)



What’s U-CUBE? 

 U--CUBE is Uto Junior and Senior High School’s English room where students can come to ask questions, play games, read books, or talk in English with me or their friends. Since opening in November,several students and teachers have been working on decorating and providing more fun and interesting learning material for students to use. The response to UCUBE has not been overwhelming so far, but the students who have come, have seemed to enjoy it. Before college testing began, 3rd year students came to chat and play the word game “Magical Banana”. In December, junior high students visited for crafts and Christmas songs. Also, a group of 2nd year students stop by to play conversation Jenga and a board game several times. Right now, many students do not know what UCUBE is and what they can do there, so English club is working to promote it.However, UCUBE is not English club and students will not even be forced to speak English if they come. I hope UCUBE can become a relaxing place where students want to come to practice English or learn about other countries regardless of their English level. Teachers are welcome to come to UCUBE in their free time and hold classes there as well.I’ll be in the UCUBE room (next to 学習室D) during lunch time Monday through Friday.See you there!